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Книг: 85

Dive Into Python

Автор(ы): Pilgrim M
Язык: английский
Формат файла: pdf
Год выхода: 2004
Страниц: 327
Размер: 1.14 MB

Welcome to Python. Let's dive in.


Chapter 1. Installing Python

1.1. Which Python is right for you?

1.2. Python on Windows

1.3. Python on Mac OS X

1.4. Python on Mac OS 9

1.5. Python on RedHat Linux

1.6. Python on Debian GNU/Linux

1.7. Python Installation from Source

1.8. The Interactive Shell

1.9. Summary

Chapter 2. Your First Python Program

2.1. Diving in

2.2. Declaring Functions

2.3. Documenting Functions

2.4. Everything Is an Object

2.5. Indenting Code

2.6. Testing Modules

Chapter 3. Native Datatypes

3.1. Introducing Dictionaries

3.2. Introducing Lists

3.3. Introducing Tuples

3.4. Declaring variables

3.5. Formatting Strings

3.6. Mapping Lists

3.7. Joining Lists and Splitting Strings

3.8. Summary

Chapter 4. The Power Of Introspection

4.1. Diving In

4.2. Using Optional and Named Arguments

4.3. Using type, str, dir, and Other Built−In Functions

4.4. Getting Object References With getattr

4.5. Filtering Lists

4.6. The Peculiar Nature of and and or

4.7. Using lambda Functions

4.8. Putting It All Together

4.9. Summary

Chapter 5. Objects and Object−Orientation

5.1. Diving In

5.2. Importing Modules Using from module import


5.3. Defining Classes

5.4. Instantiating Classes

5.5. Exploring UserDict: A Wrapper Class

5.6. Special Class Methods

5.7. Advanced Special Class Methods

Chapter 5. Objects and Object−Orientation

5.8. Introducing Class Attributes

5.9. Private Functions

5.10. Summary

Chapter 6. Exceptions and File Handling

6.1. Handling Exceptions

6.2. Working with File Objects

6.3. Iterating with for Loops

6.4. Using sys.modules

6.5. Working with Directories

6.6. Putting It All Together

6.7. Summary

Chapter 7. Regular Expressions

7.1. Diving In

7.2. Case Study: Street Addresses

7.3. Case Study: Roman Numerals

7.4. Using the {n,m} Syntax

7.5. Verbose Regular Expressions

7.6. Case study: Parsing Phone Numbers

7.7. Summary

Chapter 8. HTML Processing

8.1. Diving in

8.2. Introducing sgmllib.py

8.3. Extracting data from HTML documents

8.4. Introducing BaseHTMLProcessor.py

8.5. locals and globals

8.6. Dictionary−based string formatting

8.7. Quoting attribute values

8.8. Introducing dialect.py

8.9. Putting it all together

8.10. Summary

Chapter 9. XML Processing

9.1. Diving in

9.2. Packages.

9.3. Parsing XML

9.4. Unicode

9.5. Searching for elements

9.6. Accessing element attributes

9.7. Segue

Chapter 10. Scripts and Streams

10.1. Abstracting input sources

10.2. Standard input, output, and error

10.3. Caching node lookups

10.4. Finding direct children of a node

10.5. Creating separate handlers by node type

Chapter 10. Scripts and Streams

10.6. Handling command−line arguments

10.7. Putting it all together

10.8. Summary

Chapter 11. HTTP Web Services

11.1. Diving in

11.2. How not to fetch data over HTTP

11.3. Features of HTTP

11.4. Debugging HTTP web services

11.5. Setting the User−Agent

11.6. Handling Last−Modified and ETag

11.7. Handling redirects

11.8. Handling compressed data

11.9. Putting it all together

11.10. Summary

Chapter 12. SOAP Web Services

12.1. Diving In

12.2. Installing the SOAP Libraries

12.3. First Steps with SOAP

12.4. Debugging SOAP Web Services

12.5. Introducing WSDL

12.6. Introspecting SOAP Web Services with WSDL

12.7. Searching Google

12.8. Troubleshooting SOAP Web Services

12.9. Summary

Chapter 13. Unit Testing

13.1. Introduction to Roman numerals

13.2. Diving in

13.3. Introducing romantest.py

13.4. Testing for success

13.5. Testing for failure

13.6. Testing for sanity

Chapter 14. Test−First Programming

14.1. roman.py, stage 1

14.2. roman.py, stage 2

14.3. roman.py, stage 3

14.4. roman.py, stage 4

14.5. roman.py, stage 5

Chapter 15. Refactoring

15.1. Handling bugs

15.2. Handling changing requirements

15.3. Refactoring

15.4. Postscript

15.5. Summary

Chapter 16. Functional Programming

16.1. Diving in

16.2. Finding the path

16.3. Filtering lists revisited

16.4. Mapping lists revisited

16.5. Data−centric programming

16.6. Dynamically importing modules

16.7. Putting it all together

16.8. Summary

Chapter 17. Dynamic functions

17.1. Diving in

17.2. plural.py, stage 1

17.3. plural.py, stage 2

17.4. plural.py, stage 3

17.5. plural.py, stage 4

17.6. plural.py, stage 5

17.7. plural.py, stage 6

17.8. Summary

Chapter 18. Performance Tuning

18.1. Diving in

18.2. Using the timeit Module

18.3. Optimizing Regular Expressions

18.4. Optimizing Dictionary Lookups

18.5. Optimizing List Operations

18.6. Optimizing String Manipulation

18.7. Summary

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